
Customer Reference List 2017

AGR Subsea AS, Norway
Akvaplan Niva, Norway
Akvavet Gulen AS, Norway
Allforsk, Norway
Amundsen Diving A/S, Norway
Aqua Kompetanse, Norway
AquaCulture Engineering AS, Norway
Argus Remote Systems AS, Norway
Australian Institute of Marine Science, Australia
BABenviro (Badr Azin Bana), Iran
Baggermaatschappij Boskalis bv, The Netherlands
Barlindhaug Consult AS, Norway
BGP Marine International, China
Bioforsk A/S , Norway
Blom Maritime AS, Norway
Bourbon Gaia Supply, France
Bremnes Seashore AS, Norway
Brown & May Marine, United Kingdom
CEFAS, United Kingdom
Centro de Investigaciones Biológicas del Noroeste, Mexico
CGG Veritas Services, Worldwide
Chilean Navy, Chile
CR Encapsulation LTD, United Kingdom
CPU Unterwassertechnik GmbH, Germany
Deep Ocean AS, Norway
Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Poland
Det Norske Veritas, Norway
DHI, Worldwide
Doppler S.A., Chile
EMEPC, Portugal
Enhanced Drilling AS, Norway
Estonian Marine Institute, Estonia
EWOS Innovation AS, Norway
Forsvarets forskningsinstitutt – FFI, Norway
Fishguard AS, Norway
Fiskeridirektoratet, Norway
Fiskeriverket, Norway
Fjord forskningsstasjon, Norway
Fjord-lab AS, Norway
Framo Engineering AS, Norway
Frank Mohn Flatøy AS, Norway
Fugro Survey, Worldwide
Fugro Oceanor AS, Norway
Fugro OSAE GmbH, Germany
Geoconsult AS, Norway
Gotenburg University, Sweden
Havbrukstjenesten A/S, Norway
Havbruksvetrinærtjenesten i Gulen, Norway
Havfiskelaboratoriet, Norway
Helgeland Havbruksstasjon, Norway
Hustadmarmor A/S, Norway
Høgskolen i Bodø, Norway
Høgskolen i Finnmark, Norway
Høgskolen i Ålesund, Norway

Høgskolen i Sogn og Fjordane, Norway
IKM Subsea A/S, Norway
IMC Diving, Norway
I.S.T Marine Service Group, Worldwide
Instituto de Formento Pesquero (IFOP), Chile
Institute of Marine Research, Norway
Institute for Coastal Research, Germany
IRIS – Marine Environment, Norway
iSURVEY AS, Norway
Kongsberg Maritime Subsea AS, Norway
Kvitsøy Sjøtjenester AS, Norway
Kystdesign AS, Norway
Landsverk, Faroe Islands
LetSea AS, Norway
Locatech Survey Services, Cameroon
Marin Miljöanalyse AB, Sweden
Marine Harvest, Norway
Marine Scotland, Scotland
Marine Systems Institute, Talinn, Estonia
Maritime Institute in Gdansk, Poland
Møreforskning, Norway
Nansensenteret for Miljø og Fjernmåling, NERSC, Norway
NIVA, Norway
Norconsult AS, Norway
Nova Sea AS, Norway
NPOL, India
NTNU, Norway
Ocean King Survey Services, Dubai
Ocean Rig, Norway
Oceaneering A/S, Norway
Oceanor, Norway
PGS Geophysical AS, Norway
Reach Subsea AS, Norway
Resipientanalyse, Norway
Rogalandsforskning, Norway
RTS A/S, Norway
Rådgivende Biologer AS, Norway
Seabed Services AS, Norway
Siemens AS, Norway
SINTEF, Norway
SMHI, Sweden
Stockholm University, Sweden
Subsea7, World wide
Swire Seabed AS, Norway
Thales Underwater Systems, France
Toxicon AB, Sweden
UNIS, Svalbard
Universidad de Concepcion, Chile
University of Bergen, Norway
University of Oslo, Norway
University of Århus, Denmark
University of Gdansk, Poland
University of Tartu, Estonia
University of TRIER, Germany

SD208 w/OSU

APB5 - Automatic CTD Profiling Buoy/System

Examples of User’s applications of SAIV instruments.

Several reports and field studies using the CTD models SD204 (released 1989), and SD208 (released 2012) can be found using Google.

For example, we suggest consulting the pdf files linked below, which were found using the indicated search criteria (Note, that some may take some time to open)